Um fragmento de Peckhaus sobre a Filosofia Analítica


It is a commonplace today to say that analytical philosophy did not arise from naught. The philosophies, .e.g., of Gottlob Frege, George Edward Moore and Bertrand Russell were strongly embedded in the broader philosophical context of their times. It is clear that the German mathematician and the Cambridge philosophers were influenced by other contemporary philosophical discussions.

PECKHAUS, V. “Language and Logic in German Post-Hegelian Philosophy”, p. 1, In: The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication – vol. 4: 200 Years of Analytical Philosophy, August 2009, pp. 1-17.

O curioso é que, ao menos onde vejo, a tese exposta no pequeno excerto acima está longe de ser um “commonplace”.

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