Um daqueles artigos excelentemente polêmicos para começar uma semana de trabalho.
Keith Parsons, professor de Filosofia da Universidade de publicou há alguns dias sua “Mensagem aos Alunos Ingressantes”. Basicamente, a mensagem é um choque de realidade, mas também expõe algumas diferenças e levanta questões importantes sobre a natureza, os métodos e objetivos da educação superior. Em um dos trechos memoráveis, Parsons traça a seguinte diferença:
,First, I am your professor, not your teacher. There is a difference. Up to now your instruction has been in the hands of teachers, and a teacher’s job is to make sure that you learn. Teachers are evaluated on the basis of learning outcomes, generally as measured by standardized tests. If you don’t learn, then your teacher is blamed. However, things are very different for a university professor. It is no part of my job to make you learn. At university, learning is your job — and yours alone. My job is to lead you to the fountain of knowledge. Whether you drink deeply or only gargle is entirely up to you.
Quão certo ou errado está Parsons?
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